NARAKA: BLADEPOINT Update – Dec. 19th, 2024 (2025)

Dear players,

The servers of NARAKA: BLADEPOINT will be suspended for maintenance from Dec. 18th, 2024 23:00 (UTC) to Dec. 19th, 2024 04:00 (UTC). We suggest you log out in advance and enter the game again after the maintenance.

The details for this update are as follows:

Brand New Content

I. Brand-new Gameplay: [Golden Roc Escort]

NARAKA: BLADEPOINT Update – Dec. 19th, 2024 (1)

Basic Rules

1. Each match is split into two halves, with teams taking turns playing as the Attackers and the Defenders.

2. During the first half, the Attackers must capture the Spirit Well, then summon and escort a Golden Roc to the destination to destroy a Border Stele. The Defenders must prevent this from happening.

3. In the second half, the teams swap roles and compete again.

Victory Conditions

1. After swapping sides, the targets and allotted time for the second half will be adjusted based on how well Attackers did in the first half.

2. If the second-half attackers can match the first-half progress within a certain time limit, they win; otherwise, it's a tie or loss.


1. When defeated, select a Soul Altar on the map to revive.

2. Once the Spirit Well is captured, two Golden Rocs will appear with different routes. The Attackers only need to escort one of them to the destination.

3. The game will enter overtime if the Attackers are still within range of the Spirit Well or Golden Roc when regular match time expires.

4. Once overtime is up, the game will end immediately.

5. Soul Lantern: Across the map, you will find Soul Lanterns that can be activated to restore your Armor, Health, and Rage. Additionally, they provide a temporary boost to your Attack and Melee Resist. Once a lantern is used, it will go on cooldown.

II. New Season: Mirage

Aurora Season will come to an end on Dec. 19th, 2024 at 00:00 (UTC). For the full recap of season rewards and score resets please see our official announcement post:

III. Brand New: Mirage BATTLEPASS

[Mirage] BATTLEPASS is now available, which includes a variety of valuable items and skins! Players can obtain more rewards by unlocking the Advanced Hidden Treasure! You can get a Treasure Scroll at the price of 1200 Gold and a Glory Scroll at 2840 Gold.

IV. New Fairyland Penglai Feature: Reindeer Sleigh

You can now board the Reindeer Sleigh on the north side of Seraphic Quartet and the west side of Mystoland (former Kiteboarding sites) in Fairyland Penglai to enjoy the festive vibe and island sights!


1. You can move freely while riding the Reindeer Sleigh.

2. You can board the Reindeer Sleigh at any point along its route.

V. New Feature: Team Up

Access the Team Up feature by clicking the + button in the Lobby or switching tabs on the Friends page.

This feature will recommend suitable teams and players based on your compatibility with other teams and players. Team Up integrates the former team lobby features. You can access Create Party and other features from the former team lobby on this page.

VI. Limited-time Event: Winter's Blessings

Event Duration: Dec. 20, 2024 20:00 (UTC) - Jan. 8, 2024 20:00 (UTC)

Claim Rewards Deadline: Jan. 11, 2025 20:00 (UTC)

1. Open Stashes in Survival modes and play Showdown to gain up to 10 Rime Crystals per day. These can be redeemed for great event rewards.

2. Log into the game each day of the event to receive Winter's Blessings from different heroes, and other rewards. Collect all 12 Blessings to receive bonus rewards.

3. During the event, the ranged weapon Cannon will be changed to Snow-Cannon, firing snowballs (but not when using the Extreme Cannon skin [Divine Trial] while the [Meteor] Souljade is equipped). The Cannon Souljade [Rupture Gale Orb & Burn] will temporarily be replaced with [Rupture Gale Orb & Frostwind], but the effects and damage remain the same.

VII. Limited-time Event: Reverie Dragon

Butterflies flutter in dreamlike lands, as dragons vie for brilliant splendor.

Event Rules

1. Each day, players can choose one of the two Cultivations.

Dragon Splendor: If you gain Score from a Ranked match, you will get a 25% Score Bonus; if you lose Score from a Ranked match, your Score loss will be halved. Eurekas will diminish by 1. (No Eureka is used when the Score is 0.)

Butterfly Dreams: Gain 150% XP and Treasure XP from the next Survival mode, Casual mode or Showdown (Yama's Abyss excluded) match, diminishing Eurekas by 1.

Choose one for today. Once chosen, it cannot be changed.

2. Players can choose only one Cultivation Bonus per day, and the choice cannot be changed.

3. Completing each event quest grants a Eureka. There are 7 quest sets, which unlock sequentially over time, one after another upon completion of the prior set.

4. Eurekas expire daily, so please use them the same day they're received.

5. Complete more quests to win more great rewards.

Event Duration: Dec. 18, 2024 20:00 (UTC) - Jan. 7, 2025 20:00 (UTC)

VIII. Limited-time Event: Supremacy Clash

Event Duration: Dec. 19, 2024 Update - Jan. 4, 2025 20:00 (UTC)

Event Rules:

1. Collect Roc's Feathers by completing quests during the event, and redeem them for exclusive rewards.

2. Play Golden Roc Escort to complete quests faster.

IX: Limited-time Event: Season Treasures Return

Event Duration: Dec. 19, 2024 Update - Jan. 18, 2025 00:00 (UTC)

1. During the event, Mythic Treasure will return for a limited time.

2. The content and drop rate of rewards in Treasures will remain unchanged.

3. The number of times to trigger a Guarantee for the Treasures will not be reset, and the progress you made on the current season's Guarantee will carry over.

X. Limited-time Event: Starcatcher's Pavilion

Starcatcher's Pavilion: Where stars cascade into the celestial palace.

During the event, Star-Collections will be available for auction in the Starcatcher's Pavilion. Players can participate in the bidding using Spectral Silk. Once the bidding period ends, the highest bidder will claim the prize.

1. This Term of Star-Collections:

(1) Nunchucks Extreme Skin [Star - Ignis Animae] will be distributed independently across different platforms, with the quantity allocated to each platform detailed in the corresponding announcement.

The number of Star-Collections is limited, and will not be restocked after they are sold out.

2. There will be multiple rounds of bidding in this term. Details are as follows:


Preview Starts

Auction Starts

Auction Ends

Item Name

Total Quantity

Starting Bid

Max Bid


After Dec. 19, 2024 Update

Dec. 19, 2024 12:00 (UTC)

Dec. 25, 2024 14:00 (UTC)

Star - Ignis Animae

The quantity allocated to each platform will be detailed in the corresponding announcement.




Dec. 25, 2024 20:00 (UTC)

Dec. 26, 2024 12:00 (UTC)

Jan. 01, 2025 14:00 (UTC)

Star - Ignis Animae

The quantity allocated to each platform will be detailed in the corresponding announcement.



(1) Preview: Preview the basic info of the items, their quantity, price, auction time, etc.

(2) Auction: During auction time, players can place bids and raise bids to win items.

(3) Settlement: After the auction, the system will tally the results.

(4) Conclusion: Check the auction results on the event page and claim your items if you win. If you lose, you will get your Spectral Silk back.

Please check the in-game event page for more details.

XI. PlayStation Challenge

Challenge the wind in this race! PlayStation Sky-high Racing #10 is now open!

Compete against players worldwide and ascend the rankings by achieving a place among the Top 100 fastest in Sky-high Racing mode.

How to participate:
Start Sky-high Racing on Fairyland Penglai to participate in the event.

Event Duration: Dec. 19, 2024 00:00 (UTC) – Jan. 21, 2025 23:59 (UTC).

XII. 2nd PlayStation® Tournaments #1

The rivers and lakes awaken, where the blade reveals its true prowess. 2nd PlayStation® Tournaments #1 are available for a limited time!

Event Duration: Dec. 19, 2024 20:00 (UTC) - Jan. 21, 2025 20:00 (UTC).

Registration time: You can register for the tournament 5 hours in advance. For example, if the tournament starts at 19:00 local time, you use the event card to register for the tournament at 14:00.

Event Rules

Complete weekly quests during the event to claim Jade Medal - JAN. You can claim more Medals in the mail after advancing, and the quantity awarded for each rank is as follows:

  • 1st place: 300 Medals
  • 2nd place: 200 Medals
  • 3rd-4th place: 100 Medals
  • 5th-8th place: 50 Medals

Medals can be used for redeeming rewards and participating in rankings.

Start Time of Tournament:


Monday - Friday (UTC)

Saturday - Sunday (UTC)

















Start Time of the First Tournament:

  • NA: Dec. 20, 2024 03:00 (UTC)
  • AS: Dec. 20, 2024 11:00 (UTC)
  • SEA: Dec. 20, 2024 11:00 (UTC)
  • EU: Dec. 20, 2024 19:00 (UTC)

Hero Adjustments

I. Kurumi

1. Adjusted the amount of Health instantly restored when breaking a [Healing Ray] link using the Vertical Strike button. The Health restored has been changed from 500 to 300, with excess Health converted to Armor.

2. Adjusted [Healing Ray: Guard]'s CD from 22 sec to 25 sec.

3. Adjustments to the Ultimate [Purified Circle]:

(1) After placing the healing circle, recover Armor and apply [Cleanse] to allies every 1.5 sec within the circle. Vajras and Almighty Generals have their Health restored instead.

(2) Adjusted its max Rage from 60,000 to 75,000.

4. Adjusted the max Rage for her Ultimate [Purified Circle: Rapid] from 75,000 to 60,000.

II. Viper Ning

1. Ultimate [Moonbane Control: Unchained] now recovers 60 Health per second, with excess Health converted to Armor.

III. Shayol Wei

1. Reduced [Shield Bash]'s CD from 27 sec to 25 sec.

2. Adjusted the Damage Multiplier of Ultimate [Justiciar's Guard]'s counterattack move from 2.5 to 2.7, and enemies hit by counterattacks will no longer be interrupted by non-focus moves during bind.

3. Increased the stagger duration of Ultimate [Justiciar's Guard: Pursuit]'s counterattack moves and improved melee aim assist for the counterattack moves.

IV. Akos Hu

1. Increased the stagger duration of the third pounce strike.

2. Adjusted the Damage Multipliers for the tiger strikes of [Feral Frenzy] from 2.7/3.0/3.3 to 3.0/3.2/3.4.

3. Akos is now Ultimate Focused while using [Roar].

4. Optimized the timing for using pounce strikes, allowing pounce within 1.6 sec after tiger leap landing.

//Dev Note: Previously, the tiger leap state could end due to turning or stopping animations after landing. We've optimized this and slightly extended the tiger leap state duration after landing while running.

V. Cyra

1. Cyra is now Purple Focused while her Ultimate is active by default. While using her 2nd stage Light Beam, Cyra will become Golden Focused.

Cyra's Ultimate duration has been adjusted from 16 sec to 18 sec in Solo/Duos and from 18 sec to 25 sec in Trios. The base value of her Light Shield has been adjusted from 1800 to 2000 in Trios, while remaining unchanged in Solo/Duos.

The small Light Orbs no longer stagger enemies who are Golden Focused when they explode, but enemies who are Golden Focused can still be Dazzled by the orbs' explosions.

2. Ultimate [Light's Mercy: Field] no longer fires small light orbs or provides light shield protection.

Adjusted Light Zone healing per second from 50 to 160, Damage Reduction from 50% to 30%, and Cyra now receives that healing. Previously, Cyra had light shield protection and didn't receive Light Zone healing.

Adjusted the duration of Light Zone burst's [Powerfully Dazzled] effect from 3 sec to 6 sec.

VI. Justina Gu

1. Optimized the visual distinction between friendly and enemy ice mist effects for Ultimate [Arctic Wraith: Frostwind].

VII. Tessa

1. Extended the duration for Rage recovery inhibition following the Ultimate of [Enchant] and [Enchant: Group Prey] from 13 sec to 12 sec.

In-game Adjustments

I. Controller

1. Reduced how long players have to hold the D-pad to bring up the [Item Wheel], the [Emote Wheel], and the [Weapon Wheel].

Out-of-game Adjustments

I. Matchmaking Process Optimization

1. Added confirmation pop-up for canceling matchmaking: Your matchmaking priority increases with your wait time. Canceling resets priority for the next match, which would cause additional wait time. When the wait time exceeds a certain duration, canceling matchmaking will trigger a confirmation pop-up to prevent accidental cancellation.

II. Title

1. Quality Upgrade

Upgraded quality for Immortal Leaderboard, Collection Leaderboard, Yama's Abyss Leaderboard, Speedrun Leaderboard, and Justice Chamber (Individual) Leaderboard titles.

2. Brief Profile

Your brief profile background now changes based on the title you equip.

III. Fairyland Penglai

1. Adjusted maximum team size for Stack Up High to 15 players.

IV. Justice Chamber

The following two points have been improved in the Weekly Refresh system:

1. When the season updates, ''This Week's Points'' for members will be reset, but it won't affect the total weekly points for the Justice Chamber.

2. Progress made before unlocking the quests of Heroes Assemble and Justice Chamber will count towards your progress this week.

V. Outfit Collection

1. Raised the collection score limit and added a new collection level: Elite Patron.

Showdown Adjustments

I. Combat Adjustments

1. Improved the performance of Enigmatic Rifts in Showdown.

2. The effect of the lightning strike of [Manticore] Stage II's Ultimate is changed from knocking targets airborne to knocking them back.

3. Optimized an issue where [Korvine] and [Manticore] model collision persists after death.

4. Optimized some sound effects for the Lotuses to reduce their frequency.

II. Function Adjustments

1. In the Showdown Settlement Rewards, the [Peerless Treasure Choice Gift] will be changed to [Splendor Treasure Choice Gift] (includes Draconic Treasure).

2. The unlock level for the Showdown has been lowered from Lv. 15 to Lv. 7

Feature Adjustments

I. In-game Adjustments

1. Optimized incorrect hit reactions caused by certain moves when experiencing poor network connections.

Performance Optimization

1. (XBOX) Optimized the memory allocator to enhance the average frame rate.

2. (PS) Optimized memory usage for PS5 Pro upscaling.

Store Updates

I. New Regular Treasure: Draconic Treasure Now Available in the Treasure Pavilion

Draconic Treasure sells for 240 Gold. Open it and there's a chance to get Feria Shen Extreme Outfit [Midnight Mischief], Lyam Liu Extreme Outfit [Lambent Draco], Heng Sword Extreme Skin [Kochab Radiance], Pistol Extreme Skin [Starlight Messenger]

Minimum Guarantee:

1. Loop Guarantee: On top of the basic drop rate, players are guaranteed to receive at least 1 Purple (Epic) reward within 10 Treasures. This can be triggered multiple times.

2. Special Guarantee: On top of the basic drop rate, players are guaranteed to receive at least 1 Red (Extreme) reward during the process of opening at most 100 Treasures. This cannot be triggered repeatedly.

3. Red (Extreme) rewards will not repeat until all of them have been obtained.

II. New Extreme Hairstyle

Tessa Extreme Hairstyle [Crystalline Dew] is now available. To redeem it, you'll need 50 Cloud Mirror and 60 Floral Dew. Acquiring this hairstyle also unlocks Tessa exclusive Debut Pose [Dreamy Glasswork] and Bubble [Tessa·Blossom]

III. Baize's Blessing Update

The 'Peerless Treasure Choice Gift' in Baize Shop has been changed to 'Splendor Treasure Choice Gift'.

IV. Gold Purchase Updates

Bonus rewards when recharging Gold are adjusted from 'Peerless Treasure Choice Gift' to 'Splendor Treasure Choice Gift'.

Splendor Treasure Choice Gift: Immortal Treasure*1, Lotus Treasure*1, Brocade Treasure*1, Draconic Treasure*1

V. New Pack

1. Added Zai exclusive Pack [Light's Cadence], which contains the Zai exclusive Legendary Outfit [Heart Beat·Light's Cadence], Legendary Staff Skin [Idol's Star Staff], Legendary Hairstyle [Heart Beat·Heartbeat Melody] and Legendary Voice Pack [Zai·Light's Cadence Chinese Voice Pack]. Standard price: 5,100 Gold; Now: 3,100 Gold. Individual cosmetics have their own discounts, but the Pack discount is even bigger!

2. Added Shayol exclusive pack [Chill Workout], which contains the Legendary Outfit [Heart Beat·Chill Workout], Legendary Hairstyle [Chilling Gale] and Legendary Voice Pack [Chill Workout Chinese Voice Pack]. Standard price: 3,600 Gold; Now: 2,400 Gold. Individual cosmetics have their own discounts, but the Pack discount is even bigger!

VI. New Discounts

1. Newly added Justina Gu Legendary Accessory [Glacial Aspect] (Unlock it to get a new appearance for Justina Gu's Ultimate "ArcticWraith"). Standard price: 4,600 Gold; Now: 3,000 Gold.

2. Newly added Legendary Rescue Effect [Go Wild]. Standard price: 900 Gold; Now: 600 Gold.

3. Newly added Legendary Stash skin [Sugar Snow]. Standard price: 800 Gold; Now: 600 Gold.

4. Newly added Legendary Pose for [Heartbeat Dance] for female heroes. Standard price: 900 Gold; Now: 750 Gold.

5. Newly added Legendary Emote Gesture [Wild Dreams] for all heroes. Standard price: 900 Gold; Now: 360 Gold.

6. Newly added Feria Shen Legendary Pose [Feign Surrender]. Standard price: 900 Gold; Now: 750 Gold.

7. Newly added Zai Epic Pose [Icy Gaze]. Standard price: 300 Gold; Now: 200 Gold.

8. Newly added Shayol Wei Epic Pose [Graceful Move]. Standard price: 300 Gold; Now: 200 Gold.

9. Newly added Lyam Liu Legendary Pose [Blade At The Ready]. Standard price: 900 Gold; Now: 750 Gold.

10. Newly added Feria Shen Legendary Hairstyle [Stellar Enigma]. Standard price: 800 Gold; Now: 600 Gold.

11. Newly added Lyam Liu Legendary Hairstyle [Celestial Edge]. Standard price: 800 Gold; Now: 600 Gold.

12. Newly added Cyra Legendary Hairstyle [Illusory Dream]. Standard price: 800 Gold; Now: 600 Gold.

13. Newly added Cyra Legendary Accessory [Dreamer's Dream]. Standard price: 1,200 Gold; Now: 900 Gold.

14. Newly added Cyra Legendary Background [Deer in Forest]. Standard price: 600 Gold; Now: 400 Gold.

15. Newly added Cyra Legendary Base [Winter Seat]. Standard price: 1,200 Gold; Now: 900 Gold.

16. Newly added Lyam Liu Legendary Background [Unfurling Wings]. Standard price: 600 Gold; Now: 400 Gold.

17. Newly added Lyam Liu Legendary Base [Phoenix Flame]. Standard price: 1200 Gold; Now: 900 Gold.

18. Newly added Zai Epic Background [Delight]. Standard price: 200 Gold; Now: 150 Gold.

19. Newly added Zai Epic Base [Show stage]. Standard price: 400 Gold; Now: 300 Gold.

20. Newly added Shayol Wei Epic Background [Rectification]. Standard price: 200 Gold; Now: 150 Gold.

21. Newly added Shayol Wei Epic Base [Perseverance Pavilion]. Standard price: 400 Gold; Now: 300 Gold.

VII. New Items in Spectral Silk Store

1. Newly added Lyam Liu Legendary Accessory [Golden Resolve] with a price of 12,000 Spectral Silk.

VIII. Christmas Limited-time Discount

Event Duration: Dec. 22, 2024 03:00 (UTC) - Jan. 2, 2025 00:00 (UTC)

During the event, you can purchase exclusive Christmas discount items in the Shop-Item.

Christmas Choice Gift

Priced at 4,400 Gold, limit of 2 purchases per account. Purchase the Gift and you can choose 1 reward each from a Refined Accessory Choice Gift and a Refined Treasure Choice Gift.

Refined Accessory Choice Gift: Journey of Blades·Divine Seal, 2674·Mech Prototype, Flamed Figurine, Zhurong's Jadeball, Flying Squirrel, Colossus of Sunwing, Verdant Guardian·Bamboo Breeze, The Nine Songs·Landscape, Laudation·Shackles, Flying NARAKA Doll

Refined Treasure Choice Gift: Aurora Treasure*10, Splendor Treasure Choice Gift*15

[Christmas Lucky Box]

Priced at 600 Gold, limit of 2 purchases per account. Use to get a random [Unowned Legendary Cosmetic] purchasable with Gold, limited to those released before the June 6, 2024 Update. The prize pool will not change with future updates. For more details, please see our official websites. If you already own all of the cosmetics, you will get Peerless Treasure Choice Gift*8 instead.

Bug Fixes

I. Hero-related Bugs

1. Fixed abnormal controls after automatically exiting Ultimate when heroes with transformation traits are bound by Dragon's Coil effects.

II. Showdown Bugs

1. Fixed an issue where Tianhai's [Divine Bell: Showdown] skill could not correctly counter certain enemy moves.

2. Fixed an issue where [Manticore] Stage II would cause floating in extreme cases.

3. Fixed an issue with the Showdown Souljade [Thunderproof] that would cause characters to sheathe certain weapons when hit with Divine Thunder.

4. Fixed an issue in Nirriti's Ruins where Weekly Challenges would not correctly tabulate when players defeated the [Manticore].

5. Fixed an issue that caused [Universe Slash]'s 2nd stage damage to be calculated incorrectly.

6. Fixed the issue where Souljade [Lotus Barrier]'s damage reduction effect is granted without equipping this Souljade.

NARAKA: BLADEPOINT Update – Dec. 19th, 2024 (2025)
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Author: Neely Ledner

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Views: 6276

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (42 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.