Inside the 22-year marriage of Kellyanne and George Conway, who are now getting a divorce (2024)

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Kellyanne Conway was one of former President Donald Trump's fiercest and most vocal supporters. While George Conway supported Trump at first, he now publicly trolls him. Their love story began after George spotted DC pollster Kellyanne Fitzpatrick on the cover of a magazine in the late 1990s and called his friend Ann Coulter to introduce them. After Coulter made the introduction, Kellyanne and George began spending time together in the Hamptons and at baseball games. Kellyanne once said, "I find that his near-constant presence doesn't annoy me." The two were married in 2001 at the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul in Philadelphia. It was reportedly a "decadent affair" — the cake was so big it had to be cut into pieces so it could fit in the door. "It was the biggest, fanciest wedding I've ever been to in my entire life," a guest recalled to The Post. "All seven of the members of the right-wing conspiracy were there. The rest were just Republicans." That guest was referring to George's rumored role in fanning the flames of former President Bill Clinton's impeachment, which former first lady Hillary Clinton once called a "vast right-wing conspiracy." The newlyweds moved into an apartment at Trump World Tower in Manhattan. It was here where Kellyanne and George met Trump. George argued against taking Trump's name off the building, and the then-real estate developer called to thank George for what he did, offering him a spot on the condo board. George declined the offer, but Kellyanne volunteered for the position. "My laziness led her to meet Donald Trump," George told the Post. But George later said he regrets introducing Kellyanne to Trump. "Knowing what I know now, I would have said no, and never mentioned it when I got home," George told the Post in August 2018. The years that followed living in Alpine, New Jersey, were quieter. Kellyanne and George raised their four children: a set of twins named George IV and Claudia, Charlotte, and Vanessa. While Kellyanne's polling work had her in both New York and Washington, DC, George worked in New York as a litigation partner at the firm Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen, and Katz. Between their two jobs, the Conways have done well financially. When she joined the Trump administration, they disclosed assets worth up to $39.3 million. Kellyanne joined Trump's team in July 2016. She would later become the first woman to run a successful presidential campaign. Kellyanne made occasional TV appearances through her polling work, but it was nothing like when she began working for Trump. George even hired security to keep the family safe. "I remember going on Google after she was announced as campaign manager and seeing her name was the most-searched term in the country," George told the Post. "I knew right then our lives would never be quite the same." Kellyanne and George said they watched the "Saturday Night Live" impressions and thought they were funny until they started to seem mean. When the networks called the election for Trump, George reportedly began to cry and say to everyone at the Midtown Manhattan Hilton about Kellyanne: "She did it! She did it! She made history." "I couldn't have done this without him," Kellyanne said of George taking care of the kids while she was on the road campaigning. After Kellyanne moved down to DC, George and the kids joined her after the school year finished. Their 15,000-square-foot home near Embassy Row reportedly cost almost $8 million. Trump was reportedly considering George to either run the Justice Department's civil division or serve as US Solicitor General. But George withdrew his name from consideration to stay in the private sector. George reportedly turned down the offer after Trump fired FBI director James Comey and the special counsel's investigation of Russia's interference in US elections gained traction. According to his friends, George did not want to be a part of a Justice Department that found itself targeted by the president. George wasn't afraid to take shots at Kellyanne's boss on Trump's favorite social media platform. In a now-deleted tweet from March 2018, George described Trump's string of hirings and firings at the White House as "absurd," and in another tweet, described Trump's statements as "false and misleading." When Trump said in April 2018 that attorney-client privilege was dead, Conway responded on Twitter with a section of a Justice Department manual listing guidelines for executing proper searches of potentially privileged material. Kellyanne told the Post she thought George's tweets were "disrespectful." She elaborated, saying, "It's a violation of basic decency, certainly, if not marital vows." Kellyanne tried to be quoted about her husband as "a person familiar with their relationship," but the reporter refused because she was already on the record for the interview. In June 2018, George wrote a column for Lawfare defending the special counsel Robert Mueller and his authority in the Russia investigation. In another interview with the Post, George said he gave Kellyanne a harder time about working for Trump than anyone else. He also said that "it's just endless selfies" when people approach them out in public. Kellyanne embraces her popularity. "Nobody knows who I am because of my husband," she told the Post. "People know of my husband because of me." But the two were increasingly at odds over Kellyanne's boss. "If there's an issue, it's because she's in that job, for that man," George told the Post in August 2018, later adding: "I'm just saddened by how things turned out." Kellyanne suggested to the Post that she felt torn between the two of them. "I feel there's a part of him that thinks I chose Donald Trump over him. Which is ridiculous. One is my work and one is my marriage." Trump's tense relationship with George reached a fever pitch in March 2019 after Trump spent St. Patrick's Day weekend on a Twitter tear against "Saturday Night Live," Fox News, and the late Sen. John McCain. George posted the cover of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders hours after the first leg of Trump's tweets, followed by the book's pages that describe narcissistic personality disorder and antisocial personality disorder. Trump himself capped off the drama when he called George "A total loser!" George responded with several tweets of his own, starting with, "Congratulations! You just guaranteed that millions of more people are going to learn about narcissistic personality disorder and malignant narcissism! Great job!" Trump escalated the feud, calling George "a stone cold LOSER & husband from hell!" George retweeted it, with the comment, "The President of the United States." In a March 2019 interview with Politico, Kellyanne said she had discussed George's criticisms with Trump "in passing," and that the president "left it alone for months out of respect for me." She added that the rift hadn't affected her job in any way. "But you think he shouldn't respond when somebody, a non-medical professional accuses him of having a mental disorder? You think he should just take that sitting down?" she told Politico's Daniel Lippman, adding that Trump was a "counterpuncher." As Trump's legal battles ramped up, so did George's jabs against the president. In an op-ed after Mueller released his report in April 2019, George called Trump "unfit for office," and said his "narcissism makes it impossible for him to carry out the duties of the presidency in the way the Constitution requires." George was pulled closer into anti-Trump territory when Joe Walsh, a former Republican congressman from Illinois and vocal Tea Party figure, reportedly recruited the lawyer to advise his run against Trump in the 2020 Republican primary. After months of shrugging off questions about her marriage, Kellyanne notably attended a September 2019 state dinner alone. When House Democrats announced an impeachment inquiry against Trump after a bombshell whistleblower report questioned his contact with foreign leaders, George championed the move and repeated his arguments that Trump was mentally unstable, corrupt, and unfit for office. The Conways hit a new, tense milestone in December 2019 when George commented on one of Kellyanne's tweets, writing that "your boss" thought he needed the help of Ukrainian officials for an electoral advantage over his presidential rival Joe Biden — the subject of Trump's first impeachment inquiry. In June 2020, the couple's then-15-year-old daughter Claudia became the latest Conway to step into the spotlight when she spoke out on TikTok in support of the Black Lives Matter movement, distancing herself from her mother's work with the administration. The teenager quickly became a public figure in her own right, gaining hundreds of thousands of followers over the next several weeks on TikTok and Twitter as she continued to comment on her political beliefs and publicly clash with her parents. Claudia later auditioned for "American Idol." After her mother spoke at the Republican National convention in August 2020, Claudia said she was running away and "pushing for emancipation" from her family. When Kellyanne announced on August 24, 2020, she was leaving the White House, citing her children's upcoming school year, Claudia took to TikTok to react to dismiss her mother's explanation for her career change. After the January 6 riot when Trump's supporters stormed the Capitol, and during Trump's second impeachment inquiry over the insurrection, George escalated his harsh criticism of the outgoing president, penning several op-eds calling for Trump to face legal consequences. In a 2022 memoir, Kellyanne said her husband's criticism of Trump on social media put a burden on their marriage, adding that he was "cheating by tweeting." That same year, Kellyanne admitted she and George weren't wearing their wedding rings. The couple announced in March 2023 that they were getting an "amicable" divorce and "remain united as parents."

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Pat Ralph, Ellen Cranley, and Sarah Al-Arshani


Inside the 22-year marriage of Kellyanne and George Conway, who are now getting a divorce (1)

  • Kellyanne and George Conaway announced they're getting divorced after 22 years of marriage.
  • The couple increasingly disagreed over former President Donald Trump, for whom Kellyanne worked.
  • The Conways got married in April 2001 and have four children together.


Kellyanne Conway was one of former President Donald Trump's fiercest and most vocal supporters. While George Conway supported Trump at first, he now publicly trolls him.

Inside the 22-year marriage of Kellyanne and George Conway, who are now getting a divorce (2)

Their love story began after George spotted DC pollster Kellyanne Fitzpatrick on the cover of a magazine in the late 1990s and called his friend Ann Coulter to introduce them.

Inside the 22-year marriage of Kellyanne and George Conway, who are now getting a divorce (3)

Source: Washington Post


After Coulter made the introduction, Kellyanne and George began spending time together in the Hamptons and at baseball games. Kellyanne once said, "I find that his near-constant presence doesn't annoy me."

Inside the 22-year marriage of Kellyanne and George Conway, who are now getting a divorce (4)

Source: Washington Post

The two were married in 2001 at the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul in Philadelphia. It was reportedly a "decadent affair" — the cake was so big it had to be cut into pieces so it could fit in the door.

Inside the 22-year marriage of Kellyanne and George Conway, who are now getting a divorce (5)

Source: Washington Post


"It was the biggest, fanciest wedding I've ever been to in my entire life," a guest recalled to The Post. "All seven of the members of the right-wing conspiracy were there. The rest were just Republicans."

Inside the 22-year marriage of Kellyanne and George Conway, who are now getting a divorce (6)

Source: Washington Post

That guest was referring to George's rumored role in fanning the flames of former President Bill Clinton's impeachment, which former first lady Hillary Clinton once called a "vast right-wing conspiracy."

Inside the 22-year marriage of Kellyanne and George Conway, who are now getting a divorce (7)

Source: Washington Post


The newlyweds moved into an apartment at Trump World Tower in Manhattan. It was here where Kellyanne and George met Trump.

Inside the 22-year marriage of Kellyanne and George Conway, who are now getting a divorce (8)

Source: Washington Post

George argued against taking Trump's name off the building, and the then-real estate developer called to thank George for what he did, offering him a spot on the condo board.

Inside the 22-year marriage of Kellyanne and George Conway, who are now getting a divorce (9)

Mark Lennihan/AP Photos

Source: Washington Post


George declined the offer, but Kellyanne volunteered for the position. "My laziness led her to meet Donald Trump," George told the Post.

Inside the 22-year marriage of Kellyanne and George Conway, who are now getting a divorce (10)

Pool/Getty Images

Source: Washington Post

But George later said he regrets introducing Kellyanne to Trump. "Knowing what I know now, I would have said no, and never mentioned it when I got home," George told the Post in August 2018.

Inside the 22-year marriage of Kellyanne and George Conway, who are now getting a divorce (11)

Mark Wilson/Getty Images

Sources: Washington Post,Business Insider


The years that followed living in Alpine, New Jersey, were quieter. Kellyanne and George raised their four children: a set of twins named George IV and Claudia, Charlotte, and Vanessa.

Inside the 22-year marriage of Kellyanne and George Conway, who are now getting a divorce (12)

Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images

Source: Washington Post

While Kellyanne's polling work had her in both New York and Washington, DC, George worked in New York as a litigation partner at the firm Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen, and Katz.

Inside the 22-year marriage of Kellyanne and George Conway, who are now getting a divorce (13)

Source: Washington Post,Star Ledger,Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz


Between their two jobs, the Conways have done well financially. When she joined the Trump administration, they disclosed assets worth up to $39.3 million.

Inside the 22-year marriage of Kellyanne and George Conway, who are now getting a divorce (14)

Source: Business Insider

Kellyanne joined Trump's team in July 2016. She would later become the first woman to run a successful presidential campaign.

Inside the 22-year marriage of Kellyanne and George Conway, who are now getting a divorce (15)


Kellyanne made occasional TV appearances through her polling work, but it was nothing like when she began working for Trump. George even hired security to keep the family safe.

Inside the 22-year marriage of Kellyanne and George Conway, who are now getting a divorce (16)

Screenshot via

Source: Washington Post

"I remember going on Google after she was announced as campaign manager and seeing her name was the most-searched term in the country," George told the Post. "I knew right then our lives would never be quite the same."

Inside the 22-year marriage of Kellyanne and George Conway, who are now getting a divorce (17)

Screenshot via ABC

Source: Washington Post


Kellyanne and George said they watched the "Saturday Night Live" impressions and thought they were funny until they started to seem mean.

Inside the 22-year marriage of Kellyanne and George Conway, who are now getting a divorce (18)

Source: Washington Post

When the networks called the election for Trump, George reportedly began to cry and say to everyone at the Midtown Manhattan Hilton about Kellyanne: "She did it! She did it! She made history."

Inside the 22-year marriage of Kellyanne and George Conway, who are now getting a divorce (19)

Source: Washington Post


"I couldn't have done this without him," Kellyanne said of George taking care of the kids while she was on the road campaigning.

Inside the 22-year marriage of Kellyanne and George Conway, who are now getting a divorce (20)

Source: Washington Post

After Kellyanne moved down to DC, George and the kids joined her after the school year finished. Their 15,000-square-foot home near Embassy Row reportedly cost almost $8 million.

Inside the 22-year marriage of Kellyanne and George Conway, who are now getting a divorce (21)

Sources: Town and Country,Washington Post


Trump was reportedly considering George to either run the Justice Department's civil division or serve as US Solicitor General. But George withdrew his name from consideration to stay in the private sector.

Inside the 22-year marriage of Kellyanne and George Conway, who are now getting a divorce (22)

Source: Washington Post,Cosmopolitan


George reportedly turned down the offer after Trump fired FBI director James Comey and the special counsel's investigation of Russia's interference in US elections gained traction.

Inside the 22-year marriage of Kellyanne and George Conway, who are now getting a divorce (23)

Sources: Washington Post,Business Insider


According to his friends, George did not want to be a part of a Justice Department that found itself targeted by the president.

Inside the 22-year marriage of Kellyanne and George Conway, who are now getting a divorce (24)

Sources: Washington Post,Business Insider

George wasn't afraid to take shots at Kellyanne's boss on Trump's favorite social media platform.

Inside the 22-year marriage of Kellyanne and George Conway, who are now getting a divorce (25)

Source: Business Insider


In a now-deleted tweet from March 2018, George described Trump's string of hirings and firings at the White House as "absurd," and in another tweet, described Trump's statements as "false and misleading."

Inside the 22-year marriage of Kellyanne and George Conway, who are now getting a divorce (26)

Source: Business Insider

When Trump said in April 2018 that attorney-client privilege was dead, Conway responded on Twitter with a section of a Justice Department manual listing guidelines for executing proper searches of potentially privileged material.

Inside the 22-year marriage of Kellyanne and George Conway, who are now getting a divorce (27)

Source: Business Insider,Twitter


Kellyanne told the Post she thought George's tweets were "disrespectful." She elaborated, saying, "It's a violation of basic decency, certainly, if not marital vows."

Inside the 22-year marriage of Kellyanne and George Conway, who are now getting a divorce (28)

Sources:Washington Post,Business Insider

Kellyanne tried to be quoted about her husband as "a person familiar with their relationship," but the reporter refused because she was already on the record for the interview.

Inside the 22-year marriage of Kellyanne and George Conway, who are now getting a divorce (29)

Source: Business Insider


In June 2018, George wrote a column for Lawfare defending the special counsel Robert Mueller and his authority in the Russia investigation.

Inside the 22-year marriage of Kellyanne and George Conway, who are now getting a divorce (30)

Sources: Lawfare, CNN

In another interview with the Post, George said he gave Kellyanne a harder time about working for Trump than anyone else. He also said that "it's just endless selfies" when people approach them out in public.

Inside the 22-year marriage of Kellyanne and George Conway, who are now getting a divorce (31)

Source: Washington Post


Kellyanne embraces her popularity. "Nobody knows who I am because of my husband," she told the Post. "People know of my husband because of me."

Inside the 22-year marriage of Kellyanne and George Conway, who are now getting a divorce (32)

Source: Washington Post

But the two were increasingly at odds over Kellyanne's boss. "If there's an issue, it's because she's in that job, for that man," George told the Post in August 2018, later adding: "I'm just saddened by how things turned out."

Inside the 22-year marriage of Kellyanne and George Conway, who are now getting a divorce (33)

Source: Washington Post


Kellyanne suggested to the Post that she felt torn between the two of them. "I feel there's a part of him that thinks I chose Donald Trump over him. Which is ridiculous. One is my work and one is my marriage."

Inside the 22-year marriage of Kellyanne and George Conway, who are now getting a divorce (34)

Source: Washington Post

Trump's tense relationship with George reached a fever pitch in March 2019 after Trump spent St. Patrick's Day weekend on a Twitter tear against "Saturday Night Live," Fox News, and the late Sen. John McCain.

Inside the 22-year marriage of Kellyanne and George Conway, who are now getting a divorce (35)

Source: Business Insider


George posted the cover of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders hours after the first leg of Trump's tweets, followed by the book's pages that describe narcissistic personality disorder and antisocial personality disorder.

Inside the 22-year marriage of Kellyanne and George Conway, who are now getting a divorce (36)


Source: Twitter


Trump himself capped off the drama when he called George "A total loser!"

Inside the 22-year marriage of Kellyanne and George Conway, who are now getting a divorce (37)

@RealDonaldTrump on Twitter

Source: Twitter

George responded with several tweets of his own, starting with, "Congratulations! You just guaranteed that millions of more people are going to learn about narcissistic personality disorder and malignant narcissism! Great job!"

Inside the 22-year marriage of Kellyanne and George Conway, who are now getting a divorce (38)

Source: Twitter


Trump escalated the feud, calling George "a stone cold LOSER & husband from hell!" George retweeted it, with the comment, "The President of the United States."

Inside the 22-year marriage of Kellyanne and George Conway, who are now getting a divorce (39)


Source: Twitter

In a March 2019 interview with Politico, Kellyanne said she had discussed George's criticisms with Trump "in passing," and that the president "left it alone for months out of respect for me." She added that the rift hadn't affected her job in any way.

Inside the 22-year marriage of Kellyanne and George Conway, who are now getting a divorce (40)

Source: Politico


"But you think he shouldn't respond when somebody, a non-medical professional accuses him of having a mental disorder? You think he should just take that sitting down?" she told Politico's Daniel Lippman, adding that Trump was a "counterpuncher."

Inside the 22-year marriage of Kellyanne and George Conway, who are now getting a divorce (41)

Source: Politico


As Trump's legal battles ramped up, so did George's jabs against the president. In an op-ed after Mueller released his report in April 2019, George called Trump "unfit for office," and said his "narcissism makes it impossible for him to carry out the duties of the presidency in the way the Constitution requires."

Inside the 22-year marriage of Kellyanne and George Conway, who are now getting a divorce (42)

Source: Washington Post


George was pulled closer into anti-Trump territory when Joe Walsh, a former Republican congressman from Illinois and vocal Tea Party figure, reportedly recruited the lawyer to advise his run against Trump in the 2020 Republican primary.

Inside the 22-year marriage of Kellyanne and George Conway, who are now getting a divorce (43)

Hollis Johnson/Business Insider

Sources: Business Insider, The New York Times, CNN

After months of shrugging off questions about her marriage, Kellyanne notably attended a September 2019 state dinner alone.

Inside the 22-year marriage of Kellyanne and George Conway, who are now getting a divorce (44)

Source: Business Insider


When House Democrats announced an impeachment inquiry against Trump after a bombshell whistleblower report questioned his contact with foreign leaders, George championed the move and repeated his arguments that Trump was mentally unstable, corrupt, and unfit for office.

Inside the 22-year marriage of Kellyanne and George Conway, who are now getting a divorce (45)

Sources: Business Insider, The Atlantic

The Conways hit a new, tense milestone in December 2019 when George commented on one of Kellyanne's tweets, writing that "your boss" thought he needed the help of Ukrainian officials for an electoral advantage over his presidential rival Joe Biden — the subject of Trump's first impeachment inquiry.

Inside the 22-year marriage of Kellyanne and George Conway, who are now getting a divorce (46)

Screenshot via Twitter

Source: Twitter


In June 2020, the couple's then-15-year-old daughter Claudia became the latest Conway to step into the spotlight when she spoke out on TikTok in support of the Black Lives Matter movement, distancing herself from her mother's work with the administration.

Inside the 22-year marriage of Kellyanne and George Conway, who are now getting a divorce (47)

TikTok @datjerseygirl/Getty Images

Source: Insider

The teenager quickly became a public figure in her own right, gaining hundreds of thousands of followers over the next several weeks on TikTok and Twitter as she continued to comment on her political beliefs and publicly clash with her parents. Claudia later auditioned for "American Idol."

Inside the 22-year marriage of Kellyanne and George Conway, who are now getting a divorce (48)

Source: Insider


After her mother spoke at the Republican National convention in August 2020, Claudia said she was running away and "pushing for emancipation" from her family.

Inside the 22-year marriage of Kellyanne and George Conway, who are now getting a divorce (49)

Source: Insider

When Kellyanne announced on August 24, 2020, she was leaving the White House, citing her children's upcoming school year, Claudia took to TikTok to react to dismiss her mother's explanation for her career change.

Inside the 22-year marriage of Kellyanne and George Conway, who are now getting a divorce (50)

Source: Business Insider, Insider


After the January 6 riot when Trump's supporters stormed the Capitol, and during Trump's second impeachment inquiry over the insurrection, George escalated his harsh criticism of the outgoing president, penning several op-eds calling for Trump to face legal consequences.

Inside the 22-year marriage of Kellyanne and George Conway, who are now getting a divorce (51)

Sources: Washington Post, Insider

In a 2022 memoir, Kellyanne said her husband's criticism of Trump on social media put a burden on their marriage, adding that he was "cheating by tweeting." That same year, Kellyanne admitted she and George weren't wearing their wedding rings.

Inside the 22-year marriage of Kellyanne and George Conway, who are now getting a divorce (52)

Source: Insider, Insider


The couple announced in March 2023 that they were getting an "amicable" divorce and "remain united as parents."

Inside the 22-year marriage of Kellyanne and George Conway, who are now getting a divorce (53)

—George Conway🌻 (@gtconway3d) March 4, 2023

Source: Insider

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White House Donald Trump Marriage



Inside the 22-year marriage of Kellyanne and George Conway, who are now getting a divorce (2024)
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